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Bolsover District Poverty Conference
Thursday 14 July 2016, 09:00 - 16:00

Over the last few months, Community Voluntary Partners (CVP) has been consulting with local residents across the Bolsover district, as art of a 'Poverty Audit' to find out from them, what it's like to live in Bolsover district today, and discover the main challenges and issues they face. They have also spoken to volunteers and local community and voluntary sector (VCS) organisations to obtain their views in relation to the needs local people, the support they provide and where are gaps in services. From this consultation, CVP is producing a detailed report on findings, and alongside partners Junctions and Filmcity, are creating a video documentary which have involved local young people speaking to residents, volunteers and VCS organisations on camera to capture local stories, experiences and views.

All their findings including the video, will be showcased at this conference in order to provide a better understanding of poverty from a local perspective.

A number of guest speakers have been invited including Dr Simon Duffy, the founder and Director of the Centre for Welfare Reform and Mike Haw from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. In addition a local poet, some of the residents that have been interviewed and the young people involved in producing the video will be speaking about their experiences.

The event, including refreshments and lunch will be provided free of charge, however, if you wish to make a donation towards the event, you can do so on the day.

Book your tickets through Eventbrite by following this Link. To ensure diverse attendance, tickets are limited to two per person/organisation.


Location Post Mill Centre, Market Street, South Normanton, DE55 2EJ