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Visit Rhubarb Farm
Wednesday 03 July 2019, 11:00 - 16:00
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Rhubarb Farm will be open to the public as part of the Nottinghamshire National Gardens Scheme, because of our tole in the therapeutic horticulture. 

Visitors can look around the farm, meet volunteers and staff, look at all our facilities and enjoy cream teas, cakes and drinks served in our Village Green. 

Tours will be taking place at 11am and 2pm - no need to book, just come along! 

The entry fee is £2.50, which goes to the NGS for the nursing and health charities they support. 

Plants, eggs, pork products and crafts will also be on sale during the day.
We are especially delighted to be selling beautiful big pink dahlia plants donated to us after the RHS Chatsworth Flower Show Closed.

Location Rhubarb Farm, Hardwick Street, Langwith, NG20 9DR