Case Study 1

Volunteering Programme.
A2 Community Resilience – Community.

Creation of a ‘Volunteering Programme’ responded to the need for local volunteers and supported the cohesion processes by encouraging members of different communities to act for benefits of all.

We had audited local volunteer opportunities, organised training and provided information for volunteers. Working closely with local organisations in Shirebrook we have facilitated local volunteer drop in session at the Freedom Project, Brook Christian Centre, Shirebrook Library, The Lighthouse Home and the Community Drop-In session at the Adult Education Centre. We have created a promotional video clip, with participation of local volunteers. We co-ordinated 1-1 introduction sessions for potential volunteers. We encouraged British and Polish residents of NG20 area to do Derbyshire Volunteer Passport training. Annually we had celebrated National Volunteers Week.

We have found volunteering very successful in improving community cohesion. Among our volunteers we have members of different migrant communities, from different age groups. Involvement of migrants into volunteering helps to tackle the myths and build strong relationships. On the other hand migrants find it useful as a way to practice English skills.

Very pleased that Shirebrook Job Centre Plus referred me for volunteer opportunities to our local NG20 Community Development Worker (Sioned Dolan). As a business/IT expert I am now making a difference at the drop-in centre and through her contact I have become self-employed as a Business Advisor, directly helping another in the centre to start their own business. Giving unconditional help gives me a reward that can’t be brought in any shop and rewards the receiver when accepted.“ Malcolm Maskell, Volunteer under Building Resilience Programme.

We have evidenced 34 new local volunteers (British, Polish, Romanian), who had been volunteering through 634 hours.

This case study reflects ‘Building Resilience Programme’ established output A2.6 ’25 people undertaking regular community volunteering in Shirebrook’.