50+ Older People's ForumOlder People's Forum

Bolsover Older People's Forum represents the ideas, views and concerns of its members (170 so far!) on the Executive Board of Bolsover Partnership.

To participate in the Forum you have to be 50 plus years of age and live in Bolsover district (if you are not in Bolsover district make enquiries at your council offices as there is sure to be a forum near you).

The Forum Network is Derbyshire wide and links are often made with other forums to exchange ideas and feed information on a wide range of subjects.

Membership is free and day to day running is carried out by a band of volunteers elected by the forum at the Annual General Meeting.   Activities and information days are organised with the help of a support worker from Derbyshire County Council.

More information about the Older People's Network across Derbyshire can be found on the Derbyshire County Council website.

The dates of Forum and Management Committee meetings can be found on our Meetings page.