AG Employment Contacts


Kaye Twomlow

Vice Chairperson

Angela Stansfield
JC + Derbyshire


Helen Jenkins
Bolsover District Council
The Arc
High Street
S43 4JY
Tel: 01246 242424

AG Business & Employment Partnership

2020 Vision The district has a robust and mixed economic base that supports locally grown and owned businesses and larger national companies. Tourism plays a vital role in the development of the economy and local people have access to good quality jobs that can support them and their communities.

The work and skills priorities for 2016/17

  • Maintaining and growing the business base and developing employment sites
  • Maximising employment, skills and training opportunities
  • Enable improved access to employment, transport and computers 

Additional info.

2019 Meetings and Minutes

Thursday 23rd May

Thursday 11th July

Thursday 12th September

AG Employment Images

About Us

Thematic Partnerships

To align the work of the Partnership to the issues that local people have highlighted as important through the Sustainable Community Strategythe Partnership has developed seven thematic areas.
Each of these are addressed by thematic partnerships consisting of partners who have an interest in that particular theme.  They are chaired and supported administratively by representatives of relevant key organisations.
The priorities within the Sustainable Community Strategy are delivered by these partnerships through the production and delivery of action plans.
Priorities and targets are often shared between two or more partnerships and can be addressed jointly through the Executive Board which enables representatives from all thematic areas to come together to discuss shared issues.
The links below provide further information about each of the partnerships.

About Us

The Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) for Bolsover district was formed in 2001. Renamed as Bolsover Partnership in 2011, it is an effective partnership that brings together the main service providers and agencies within the Bolsover area in an effort to drive local regeneration and service improvement. This means that the public, private, community and voluntary sectors can work together to achieve our Sustainable Community Strategy Vision for the benefit of the district.

"The Bolsover Sustainable Community Strategy has a vision of a diverse, healthy, fair and prosperous district, building on the strengths of our industrial past to become a vibrant, thriving community capable of meeting the challenges and opportunities of the future."

The Constitution and structure of the Partnership are reviewed annually at our Annual General Meeting.

Link to Community Safety Partnership Link to Health and Wellbeing Partnership Link to Environment and Housing Partnership Link to Culture and Tourism Partnership Link to Business and Employment Partnership Link to Raising Aspirations Partnership Link to Housing Market Area Link to Children and Young People's Partnership Link to Accessibility Partnership Link to Community Voluntary Partners Link to Youth Council Link to Older People's Forum Link to Parish Council Liaison Link to Commissioning Group Link to Executive Board