AG Cultural Contacts


Paul Steele
Junction Arts
Springwell House
Newbold Road
S41 7PB
Tel: 01246 209219

Vice Chairperson

No one currently in position


Jemma Burton
Junction Arts
Springwell House
Newbold Road
S41 7PB
Tel: 01246 209219

AG Housing, Environment, Tourism and Culture

2020 Vision To increase the awareness of and create opportunities to celebrate, share, participate, express and experience cultural activities in and around our district.

The top three priorities for 2016/17 are:

  • To improve information sharing and promotional cultural activity
  • Develop the local cultural offer
  • Continue to produce an events brochure bi-annually to inform residents of Bolsover District of cultural activity, events and festivals.

Additional info.

2019 Meetings and Minutes 

Monday 8th April 

Monday 15th July

Monday 14th October 

AG Cultural Images



Community & Voluntary Partners

Getting a good level of involvement from people in the local community is a priority for Bolsover Partnership. It is important that residents' views and opinions are reflected so that they can play a key part in driving up the quality of local public services, encouraging value for money and ensuring that local priorities are delivered.

Community Voluntary Partners has entered into a formal agreement with Bolsover Partnership to achieve the effective participation of the community and voluntary sector.

This participation is based on a representative Community Association for every village within the district. The Community Associations carry out consultation exercises in order that the community and voluntary sector representatives are able to take forward the opinions of local residents at all levels of the Partnership's structure.

Members of the community are represented on all Thematic Partnerships, the Techincal Group and Executive Board.

If you are a member of the local community, and you want to find out how you can support the work of the Partnership or get involved, contact Community Voluntary Partners.

The dates of Community and Voluntary Forum meetings can be found on our Meetings page.