AG Health Contacts


James Green
Public Health Lead for Bolsover and North East Derbyshire
Public Health - DCC
1st Floor
The Market Hall
S40 1AR

Vice Chairperson

Jacqui Willis
Chief Executive for Derbyshire Voluntary Action
Office 2a, The Market Hall, Chesterfield
S40 1AR
Tel: 01246 555908


Jodie Hart
Public Health - DCC
The Arc
High Street
S43 4JY
Tel: 07990 715 204
Email Jodie

AG Health & Wellbeing Partnership

2020 Vision A district in which poverty and ill-health are not handed down the generations, where young people are able to grow into confident, healthy adults, and the elderly are able to enjoy full and fulfilling lives well into old age. These strategic issues are addressed by the group in the newly refreshed Locaity Public Health Plan - A Healthy Bolsover.

The top three priorities for 2015/16 are:

  • Building Healthy Communities
  • Promote Healthier Lifestyles
  • Supporting Effective Health and Social Care

AG Health Images

Executive Board

Executive Board

The Executive Board is the strategic level of the Partnership structure and brings together senior representatives of key organisations and elected representatives of our Thematic Partnerships.

t helps to shape the Sustainable Community Strategy and jointly agrees the key priorities, provides leadership and ensures effective partnership working across organisations and networks within the district.

The Terms of Reference for the Executive Board describe its purpose and structure.  They also provide a basis for making future decisions and ensuring a common understanding of its role among partners.

About the Chair...

Mandy Chambers is currently the Chair of the Partnership and is involved in many aspects of partnership work.  She chairs the Executive Board meetings as well as acting as the public face of the Partnership. As Chair, Mandy is keen to highlight the positive effect the Partnership is making in the district and to continue to meet the challenges set. Mandy was the previous Principal Health Manager for Public Health with Derbyshire County Council and lead health improvement work across Bolsover district.
You can contact Mandy through the Partnership Office: 01246 242276 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

About the Vice Chair...
Councillor Steve Fritchley is the Vice Chair of the Partnership and also the Leader of BDC with overall responsibility for Overall Policy and Strategy (including Economic development and growth, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Combined Authorities, External contacts, Media, ICT and Property and Commercial Services). 
Steve was elected as Vice Chair in June 2019 following the Local Elections held in May 2019 when he then became Leader of the Council.  
Steve can be contacted via the Partnership Team Office on 01246 242276 or by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
The dates of Executive Board meetings can be found on our Meetings page.