2020 Vision A district in which poverty and ill-health are not handed down the generations, where young people are able to grow into confident, healthy adults, and the elderly are able to enjoy full and fulfilling lives well into old age. These strategic issues are addressed by the group in the newly refreshed Locaity Public Health Plan - A Healthy Bolsover.
The top three priorities for 2015/16 are:
Meeting dates and minutes
North Derbyshire CCG Newsletter Edition 1
The Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) for Bolsover district was formed in 2001. Renamed as Bolsover Partnership in 2011, it is an effective partnership that brings together the main service providers and agencies within the Bolsover area in an effort to drive local regeneration and service improvement. This means that the public, private, community and voluntary sectors can work together to achieve our Sustainable Community Strategy Vision for the benefit of the district.
"The Bolsover Sustainable Community Strategy has a vision of a diverse, healthy, fair and prosperous district, building on the strengths of our industrial past to become a vibrant, thriving community capable of meeting the challenges and opportunities of the future."
The Constitution and structure of the Partnership are reviewed annually at our Annual General Meeting.